Blood Tests for Cats: What You Should Know

Regular blood tests for cats are vital for keeping your cat healthy since they provide important information about their overall health and can identify any abnormalities early on. Similar to human medicine, these tests help veterinarians diagnose a wide range of diseases, from small infections to chronic disorders. Any cat owner who is committed to providing proactive pet care should be informed of the various blood tests for cats and their typical results. In this blog post, we will review the many blood tests performed in feline medicine to help you better understand your cat’s health. We will also explain what each test measures and discuss their usual ranges.

Blood Tests for Cats

Types Of Blood Tests for Cats

Blood tests  are important diagnostic tools that veterinarians use to evaluate and maintain feline health. The basic types of blood tests are the Complete Blood Count (CBC) and the Biochemistry Panel. The complete blood count (CBC) quantifies many blood constituents, such as red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets.

1- Complete blood count (CBC):

Red Blood Cells (RBC): Assesses anemia or polycythemia.
White blood cells (WBC): indicate infection, inflammation, or leukemia.
Platelets: Determines clotting ability.

2- Biochemistry Panel:

Renal Function (BUN and Creatinine): Detects renal disease.
Liver Enzymes (ALT, AST, and ALP): Determines liver health.

3- Blood glucose tests for diabetes

Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride): Assesses hydration and balance.
Proteins (Albumin, Globulin): Checks nutritional status and immunological function.

4- Thyroid Function Tests

Total T4 (Thyroxine) detects hyperthyroidism

5- FeLV/FIV Test

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Viral infection screening tests.

6- Electrolyte Panel:

Sodium, potassium, and chloride: Assesses hydration, acid-base balance, and kidney function.

7- Urinalysis:

Often used with blood testing to provide a thorough picture of kidney and urinary tract health.

Normal Values

Complete Blood Count (CBC):

  • Red Blood Cells (RBC): 5.0-10.0 x 10^6 cells/µL
  • White Blood Cells (WBC): 5,500-19,500 cells/µL
  • Hemoglobin: 8-15 g/dL
  • Hematocrit (PCV): 29-48%
  • Platelets: 175,000-600,000/µL

Biochemistry Panel:

  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 14-36 mg/dL
  • Creatinine: 0.6-2.4 mg/dL
  • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT): 10-100 U/L
  • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST): 10-100 U/L
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): 10-90 U/L
  • Total Protein: 5.2-8.8 g/dL
  • Albumin: 2.2-4.2 g/dL
  • Globulin: 2.3-5.3 g/dL
  • Glucose: 70-150 mg/dL
  • Calcium: 8.2-11.6 mg/dL
  • Phosphorus: 2.6-6.0 mg/dL

Electrolyte Panel:

  • Sodium: 145-158 mEq/L
  • Potassium: 3.5-5.8 mEq/L
  • Chloride: 107-129 mEq/L

Thyroid Function Test:

  • Total T4 (Thyroxine): 0.8-4.7 µg/dL

Blood Tests for Cats: What You Should Know

Blood Tests For Cats With Kidney Disease

  • Elevations in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) indicate renal failure.
  • A marker of renal function, elevated levels of creatinine indicate reduced function.
  • Symmetric Dimethylarginine, or SDMA, is a precursor to renal disease.
  • Electrolytes: Keeps track of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium levels; imbalances are common in illnesses affecting the kidneys.
  • Phosphorus: Increased levels may make renal illness worse.
  • Calcium: Examines for anomalies related to kidney illness.
  • Anemia, infection, and inflammation can all be found using a complete blood count (CBC).
  • Urinalysis: assesses kidney dysfunction and finds proteinuria.
  • Assess blood protein levels using total protein and albumin; low readings may indicate protein loss.
  • Measurement of Blood Pressure: When a patient has renal sickness, high blood pressure is common and harmful.

Preparing for a Blood Test

  • Fasting: May be required for 6-12 hours before the test.
  • Stress Reduction: Keeping the cat calm can help ensure a smooth blood draw.

To achieve appropriate results for a blood test, your cat may need to fast for 6-12 hours prior. Keeping your cat relaxed and stress-free is also vital for a successful blood draw. The blood sample will be collected by the veterinarian or veterinary technician, usually from a vein in the cat’s leg or neck, in a quick and relatively painless procedure.

Once the blood tests are completed, your veterinarian will go over the results with you, discussing any abnormalities and their implications for your cat’s health. These findings may lead to recommendations for additional testing or therapies. Regular blood tests are essential for keeping your cat healthy, as they enable for early detection of potential health problems and effective monitoring of chronic diseases.

Blood Tests for Cats

Benefits Of Blood Tests In Felines

1- Early Disease Detection:

Before they manifest clinically, blood tests can detect the early warning symptoms of conditions including renal disease, liver disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, and infections. Better treatment outcomes are frequently the result of early identification.

2- Keeping an eye on persistent conditions:

Regular blood tests help track the course of chronic illnesses in cats, such as diabetes or renal disease, and the efficacy of treatment regimens, enabling prompt modifications.

3- Screening Prior to Anesthesia:

Blood tests may evaluate a cat’s general health before to surgery, ensuring the cat is suitable for anesthesia and lowering the possibility of problems during and after the treatment.

5- Evaluations of nutrition:

Blood testing can identify vitamin and mineral excesses or deficiencies, enabling dietary changes to guarantee optimum health.

6- Initial Health Information:

Frequent blood testing establishes a baseline for your cat’s health, which makes it easier to identify deviations from the norm in later testing. This will be especially helpful when your cat gets older.

7- Identifying infections and inflammations:

Blood tests can detect immune system abnormalities, infections, and inflammations. They can also reveal the underlying reasons of symptoms including weariness, fever, and appetite loss.

8- Recognizing poisons and toxins:

Blood tests can be used to identify the substances and determine the appropriate course of therapy if a cat is suspected of eating poisons or toxins.

9- Conditions unique to a breed and genetics:

Certain blood tests can identify diseases or genetic problems specific to a breed, which enables early detection and treatment of potential health issues.

10- Checkup for General Health:

Frequent blood tests are an important part of normal veterinary visits, allowing for a full assessment of your cat’s overall health.

11- Hormonal Disproportions:

Hormonal imbalances, such as hypo- or hyperthyroidism, are common in cats and can have a significant detrimental impact on their quality of life if left untreated. Blood testing can help detect these abnormalities.

Blood Tests for Cats


How Long For Cat Blood test Result?

Cat blood test results might take anything from a few hours to many days. Certain tests can be performed internally within the veterinarian clinic for faster results, while others may need an outside laboratory.


Can a Cat’s Blood Test Detect Cancer?

Detection: Blood tests can reveal abnormalities such as elevated liver enzymes, high white blood cell counts, or anemia, which can aid in determining whether a cat has cancer. They are not, however, infallible in the diagnosis of cancer. To confirm malignancy, further diagnostic procedures such as biopsies and imaging (X-rays, ultrasounds) are usually required.

How many kinds of Cat blood tests are available?

  • The Complete Blood Count (CBC) counts the red, white, and platelet components of blood.
  • The Biochemistry Panel evaluates electrolyte levels and organ function.
  • Thyroid Panel: Evaluation of thyroid gland activity.
  • The electrolyte panel measures the concentrations of important electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and so on.
  • Symmetric Dimethylarginine, or SDMA, is a precursor to renal injury.
  • Blood Glucose: This test gauges blood sugar levels, which is essential for determining diabetes diagnosis.
  • Serum Protein Electrophoresis: Distinct protein types inside the bloodstream are separated.
  • Tests for hormones: Seek for imbalances in hormones (e.g., insulin and cortisol).
  • Tests for infectious diseases: Looks for illnesses like FeLV, FIV, and others.
  • Blood Clotting Tests: Ascertain the blood’s ability to clot successfully.

How much does a blood test cost for cats?

Here is an approximate cost breakdown:

  • Kidney function (SDMA): $30 to $50
  • Thyroid Yield (T4): $30–$50
  • $10–$20 for a glucose test (for diabetes)
  • Screening for infectious diseases (e.g., FIV, FeLV): $40 to $80
  • Tests for hormones (such as insulin and cortisol): $50 to $100
  • Electrophoresis of Serum Proteins: $100 to $200
  • Tests for blood clotting: $50 to $100


Routine blood testing for cats is crucial for proactive pet care since it provides important details about their overall health and aids in the early detection of potential issues including infections, diabetes, liver disease, renal illness, and other conditions. These tests, which include the Complete Blood Count (CBC) and the Biochemistry Panel, help vets diagnose a range of conditions, monitor chronic diseases, decide whether anesthesia is necessary, and evaluate nutritional status. By being aware of their typical ranges, cat owners may appreciate the significance of these tests in maintaining their cat’s health.

Regular blood testing can help your kitty friend live a happier life and receive better treatment results. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of health conditions have several advantages over their costs, which might vary. Regular blood testing will help establish a baseline for your cat’s health, which will make it simpler to spot and treat deviations early on. This will increase your cat’s lifespan and overall well-being. For advice on the right blood tests for your cat, always visit your veterinarian, taking into account factors like breed, age, and overall health.

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