8 Emergency preparedness tips for rabbit owners

You may get rabbit sickness. We hope that this article will help you to understand rabbit sickness, disease, emergency preparedness techniques for your rabbit, and treatment options. Obviously, we cannot cover every possibility. Also, if the rabbit in your care seems unwell or unhappy, keep an eye on them and contact the doctor if the condition worsens. If the rabbit is doing anything that is not described here but you are still concerned, trust your instincts; it is better to overreact than to under react. The worst-case scenario is that you make an unnecessary call to the veterinarian. You are their protectors. Only you can tell when they need assistance. Only you can take them to the doctor.

Essential Emergency Situations & Preparedness tips for your Rabbit 

  1. Bleeding Excessively
  2. Skeletal Injury
  3. Acute Diarrhea
  4. Trouble in Breathing
  5. Cold
  6. Rabbit is not Eating
  7. Discomfort
  8. Maggots load

8 Emergency preparedness tips for rabbit owners


Rabbit is bleeding excessively from the wound

Emergency preparedness for rabbits in Bleeding   is not controlled by forcefully, direct pressure requires immediate veterinarian intervention. Also, if the rabbit has been attacked by a dog (or cat, fox, or ferret), contact the veterinarian for guidance, even if there are no obvious injuries or those that seem minor. There might be internal injury and/or a possibility of shock developing. Other bleeding from the mouth, ears, rectum, or other orifices need the attention of a veterinarian.

Emergency Measurements for Rabbits in Skeletal Injury

Skeletal injuries are common when rabbits are dropped or fall from a height, which is one of the reasons why permitting young children to pick up rabbits is not advisable. Spinal injuries that result in partial or complete hind limb paralysis are very severe, but not hopeless. Aggressive steroid therapy as soon as possible after the injury helps some bunnies by reducing swelling in the spinal cord, and some fortunate rabbits recover enough to live a fairly regular houserabbit life. Broken legs may occasionally be repaired using lightweight casts or pins and plates.

Emergency Preparedness For Rabbit Has Trouble Breathing

An adult rabbit’s usual breathing rate is 30-60/minute, however they may breathe quicker if they are overheated or anxious. When respiration is labored (long, hard breaths rather than quick panting in rabbits) or grunting, you should be concerned. If your bunny’s lips and tongue are blue, it is due to a lack of oxygen. Sitting motionless with the head slightly inclined forward is an obvious indication of incapacity to breathe. Contact the veterinarian immediately.

Emergency Readiness For Rabbits In Acute Diarrhea

Bunnies sitting crouched in a puddle of diarrhea (liquid/watery feces or jelly-like stuff) need immediate fluid therapy and medical attention. Baby rabbits are particularly susceptible to severe diarrhea (especially in the weeks after weaning, when young bunnies arrive in their new home), and because they are so little, they may become critically dehydrated very rapidly. A rabbit that has had an episode of runny or soft feces but is otherwise awake, energetic, eating, and acting normally should be OK tonight, and you may contact the vet in the morning if the issue continues.

Don’t forget that excess caecotrophs (smelly, glossy, dark-colored droppings that resemble little bunches of grapes) do not constitute diarrhea and do not need an emergency visit to the veterinarian. However, if your rabbit’s bottom is covered with caecotrophs, they are at danger of flystrike and should visit a veterinarian within a day or two for a thorough assessment.

8 Emergency preparedness tips for rabbit owners

Rabbit is limp, floppy, or cold

These bunnies are really unwell and may be near death. Dehydration, shock, or sepsis often result in a weak, floppy rabbit with chilly ears. They usually sit slumped in a corner and ‘feel strange’ when you lift them up. Wrap them up warmly and bring them to the vet right away.

Emergency Preparedness For Rabbits in Discomfort

Rabbits in discomfort sit hunched up with their eyes half closed, unable to move and grinding their teeth hard. Pain is not just a welfare concern for the poor bunny, but it is also very deadly to rabbits. In addition to placing pressure on their kidneys, pain is a typical cause for the development of gastrointestinal stasis (ileus), a potentially fatal disorder in which the stomach stops moving regularly.

As a result, if you suspect the rabbit is in discomfort, you must seek veterinarian care promptly. Vets used to be hesitant to provide pain treatment for rabbits, but things have improved significantly in recent years. Even so, you may need to remind your veterinarian to ensure that your rabbit has proper pain management for any disease that might cause discomfort, such as dental issues, abscesses, or after neutering.

Emergency Preparation For Rabbit in Anorexia

For dogs and cats, skipping a meal is not a huge thing, but with rabbits, it often means there is major danger. When rabbits cease eating, they often get gastrointestinal stasis. Alternatively, it is unlikely that it will occur before they have GI stasis if they have stopped eating for any other cause (such as discomfort from dental issues). Regarding GI stasis and bloat, see the articles on the Caring for Your Rabbit page. For guidance, give the veterinarian a call right away if the rabbit has completely stopped eating.

Examine the litter pan, paying close attention to any tiny droppings, diarrheal puddles, or droppings held together by hair strands. If the rabbit has been eating, drinking, urinating, and excreting regularly, the veterinarian must know! You may safely wait until the next morning if your rabbit is eating, although less enthusiastically, or if it is eating certain things but not others.

Urgent readiness for Rabbit possesses Flying strike

The term “flystrike” refers to a common medical ailment known as myiasis, which is caused by blowflies laying their eggs on rabbits (typically on fur that is filthy or damp), which within hours hatch into maggots. The rabbit may be eaten alive by the maggots, which can also cause serious illness and shock. Get your rabbit to the veterinarian right away if you discover maggots on it. Using tweezers, you may remove any visible maggots, but don’t assume that doing so would fix the issue since others may have moved under the skin already. The prognosis remains cautious even with hydration treatment and antibiotics.

Having a strategy in place is critical to disaster preparedness for rabbit. You may safely and swiftly leave with your rabbits if you plan beforehand and make the necessary preparations. Your bunnies will rely even more on you to ensure their safety and well-being in an emergency. Be aware of what to do to protect your cherished bunnies! You should make preparations if you live in a region that often experiences natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, or floods.

Emergency Preparedness Tips For Your Rabbit

1- Invest on a microchipped rabbit.

A veterinary clinic or animal shelter may use a scanner to read an implanted microchip in an animal’s shoulder region. This may act as a permanent form of identification and proof of ownership in the event that you and your rabbit get separated. If you relocate, don’t forget to update the information on your pet’s microchip. If at all feasible, include the contact details for an emergency contact who is not in your close vicinity.

2- Obtain a rescue alert sticker

In the case of an emergency, the ASPCA provides a free pet safety kit that includes window and door stickers for pet rescue, helping to notify rescue workers that your dogs are inside your house. Ensure that the stickers are positioned so they are easily seen. If time permits, write “EVACUATED” across the label if you have to evacuate with your rabbit.

3-Find a secure location to take your bunny

Make a strategy on what to do in the event of an evacuation. Find out whether hotels are in your anticipated evacuation route or nearby, and find out if any pet regulations may be waived in an emergency. Make sure there are shelters in your region that accept people and their dogs before a crisis strikes by contacting your local office of emergency management. (Not every shelter allows animals.) You could also be able to board your rabbit at a veterinarian’s office, an animal shelter, or a pet boarding facility, depending on the circumstances. To inquire about the potential of temporarily sheltering your rabbit, get in touch with them.

Please Never abandon your pets! You could be the last person to see them, yet nobody could possibly care for them more than you do.
Medication: It is your duty to have a minimum 3-day supply of drugs on hand if your pet requires them. Make that a priority! You are subject to the same regulation! This allows you some time to get substitute medications. If you can, try to stock up on extra. Tell your veterinarian what you’re doing and why you need the extra medication. When it comes to emergency rescue preparations, your veterinarian may be of great assistance. Find out from them how to contact them in an emergency and where your pet may take refuge.

8 Emergergency preparedness tips for rabbit owners

 Bunny Emergency Kit For Rabbit Preparedness

We always keep bunny emergency kit which contains;

  • Syringes
  • Gloves
  • Gauze pad
  • Medical Record
  • Tweezers
  • LRS ( Lactated Ringer Solution)
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Antiseptics
  • Iodine or Zinc Ointments
  • Thermometer

Additional useful items in Emergency Preparation For Rabbit

Keep an emergency bag with supplies handy to their cages or in a neighboring closet. Include emergency collapsible food and water dishes or a water bottle. Think about storing all the supplies you would need in a backpack. You may quickly exit the room after grabbing your pet’s ER ration (food and medication).
Once again, in an emergency, leave the items behind and just evacuate yourself and your pets. Bring them along! Don’t rely on rescue to come get your pets. If your vehicle is still in working order, load the animals inside and go for safety. Don’t Forget to keep litter box for your Rabbit sanitation.

Lost animals

If you have to leave your animal companion behind during an emergency evacuation because the animal is lost and cannot be located to be evacuated, Display a large placard with your phone number and an image of the lost animal on it on your window. Keep a spare copy of this list of pet photos with you at all times for identification purposes. One copy with you, one copy on the window!


How do I know if my rabbit is sick?

In addition to physical symptoms like fatigue, trouble breathing, or diarrhea, signs of disease in rabbits might also include behavioral, eating, or bowel abnormalities. If you’re worried about your rabbit’s health, follow your gut and see a veterinarian.

What should I do if my rabbit stops eating?

In rabbits, loss of appetite may indicate more severe conditions such as gastrointestinal stasis. Make quick contact with your veterinarian for advice and available treatments. Keeping a careful eye on your rabbit’s behavior and getting medical treatment as soon as possible will help avoid further issues.

How can I get my rabbit ready for emergencies?

Make sure your emergency preparation strategy covers your rabbit’s protection. This might include getting rescue alert stickers for your house, microchipping your rabbit for identity, and learning safe evacuation routes in case of emergency. Restock on necessary supplies and medicines, and discuss emergency plans for your rabbit’s care with your veterinarian.

If I discover maggots on my rabbit, what should I do?

Flystrike, often known as maggots, may be very dangerous to a rabbit’s health and need to be treated by a veterinarian right once. Use tweezers to remove any maggots that are visible, but don’t think the issue is fixed since there could still be more beneath the skin.

8 Emergergency preparedness tips for rabbit owners


In conclusion, we have a critical obligation to protect our cherished bunnies’ health and well-being. Proactive steps may make a big impact in safeguarding our animal friends, from spotting sickness symptoms to being ready for emergencies. We can provide our bunnies the greatest care possible and guarantee their well being in any circumstance by being aware of frequent illnesses, getting quick veterinarian attention, and making emergency plans.

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